Get Wise

Hi, Yesterday we had some guy from Get wise named Jeff teach us to use our money spend wisely and how if you spend now there will be none later.  Get Wise is a financial literacy program for students who are sponsored by ASB.

He told us about how good we are with money by doing would you rather. He told us how Sending influences use ads, social, friends, marketing, family and others of how you use your money for. And he also taught the three things that we can’t buy weird not useful things like  stop and think, research the protect and check your credit card. Then  after that he went to the ground of three or four and played.

A game about us using our money wisely and choosing the cheapest one for our trip to another planet? then the next day  to be groups of four or three and named our team name and we chose tickle toes. We played a beach game about how we can use our money wisely and give us a few minutes to stop and think. And learned about how to be on a budget and played a beach game in teams and worked out what we should do with 18,00$.

and spend the exact amount or less and another one from how fun we had. Then we have and think what should we spend it on. if you were on a beach for the holidays what should you do?. And then after the game Jeff told us our score and me and my friends won and also another team had the same score as us as well and they think we copied them (even though we didn’t!).

I enjoyed how I learnt that I use and save money wisely and use it for what I want and how to use money if I’m on a budget or not. Here are two pic of us after we finish on Get Wise


Action station

Hi, Today we started our action station and mine was badminton.

we had to go in the hall with Shavelle, Eva and luka on our way to the hall We saw other kids there and matua matt. He explained about barminants then we set up the net and grabbed our racket and a shuttlecock . From the bag and played 5 minutes of badminton each then switched for the others to play as well and kinda most of the time I kept missing the shuttlecock. Then when it was over and it was breaktime I honestly thought that it was fun even with my friends and I want to do it more than once. But it’s sometimes hard if you have long pants and your arm hurts by the racket.

And it might take some time to get better and better at badminton.  but yeah it was fun 🙂


Dragons eye

On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.

First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.

Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, color and features.

I decided I wanted my dragon to have a gentle smile, massive wings, Intelligence, hides in shadows, Dark purple eyes, very graceful, dark colored skin, very fast. For my characteristics. 

After, we used the clay. First I rolled it into a ball and made it into a pancake. Then Made the outside shape of the dragon’s eye,made the second half of my dragon’s eye and put my dragon eye in and put the figures in my dragon’s eye. 

Finally, we painted them. Into a dark and light purple shade color for my dragon eye.  

here’s a pic of how we made our dragon eyes.

Heart And Lungs Decision Making

Kia ora This week we have been learning about how smoking can affect your heart.

Over time fatty deposits (plaque) can build up inside the coronary arteries. this can reduce them. How from blood to the heart to the heart and increases. The risk of a heart attack smoking speeds up the clogging and narrowing of coronary arteries. and how much you had to buy a pack of cigarettes for about $40.50.How you keep buying it you’ll waste about $486 in a year. And how smoking can affect lungs damaging your airway and the smell of air sacs alveolar  found in your lungs and can get lung cancer by smoking. and what could you do if your friend or a family light up a cigarette and starts smoking ear you what would you do?.

peer pressure

This week we have been learning about peer pressure and what it is.

Peer pressure can be negative or positive like how someone can. Be forcing their friend or family member to do something they don’t want to do or not allow them to do. Here is an example of a negative peer pressure: your friend makes you date some guy you haven’t known and is four years older than you and tells you to do it so you can be a “good friend”.  

and here is a positive example: one of your siblings broke something that is mum’s favorite and she tried to hide it but you told them to tell her.  thanks for reading my blog post



Smoking is bad

Hi this week we have been learning about action and we have been persuasive about how smoking is bad for you and the environment.We then start typing from our book into our Chromebook

My opinion clearly stated in the opening paragraph how and 4 reasons why smoking is bad for you. Cause cancer,Heart disease, Stroke and obstructive pulmonary. If you like to read more here Link  

comparison sentences.

Yesterday we did a comparison sentence and we had to write about things that are the Orite – same and things are rereke – different in Te Reo Maori and write 2 sentences.With Makaia and me here is the link from our video and i hope you’ll  hope you liked reading this 🙂


my storybook

In 4 weeks we have done our storybooks in Te Reo Maori the few examples that I have done are about shapes and using Te Reo Maori in my storybook some of the storybooks are about the animals or the sea animals. My favourite part of my book is that people learn shapes and Te Reo Maori.We have been doing our storybooks because the preschool to learn about maori.